Writing Creates 20/20 Vision


In this post we explore the power of the creative outlet of Writing!

In the last post, I wrote about creativity and how participating in something creative accesses the right hemisphere of the brain. This allows you to step away from the logical and analytical left brain. And thus enter that part that speaks in associations, metaphors, and broader and deeper perspectives.

Inspiring Awareness


Increasing Awareness about the power of Writing:

Writing is a form of creativityJournaling is writing that provides a space for self-reflection to “notice what’s inside”. That’s why I love Cynthia’s quote!

There are multiple techniques to this creative outlet. As an avid journaler, I’ve used so many over the years. The self-reflective part of journaling helped me develop what I call 20/20 vision through hindsight.

What does that mean, you might ask? Well let me tell you.

The activity of journaling over more than two decades moved me from awareness AFTER something happens to awareness BEFORE something is created.

Many techniques include capturing or reflecting on a prior event, experience, or situation. The focus is AFTER something has happened.

Taking the time to write provides a history of where you’ve been, who you’ve been, and how you’ve been guided. When you re-read your “history” you notice how a small change made a big difference, how the right thinking changed the outcome of a situation, the right words came just when you needed them, or actions aligned with your truth created the perfect opportunity. The proof reflected in your history solidifies an awareness of a guiding force. Hindsight is 20/20. With that knowledge, you can play with increased awareness and see with clear eyes what can be created as you partner with the guiding force that has always been with you.

Invitation to Create 20/20 Vision through Writing

To start to create this 20/20 vision contact me to schedule a Journaling workshop at your home, co-working space, office, yoga studio, church, wellness center, or anywhere a small group can gather in quiet.

My book, Conscious Choices and its self-creation process is the basis for the different journaling methods introduced. During the workshop you have time to experience all three. As you grant yourself time to go within, you’ll reflect on how each exercise made you feel and what you discovered.

The handouts and instructions make it easy to implement at home. Additionally, the exercises encourage you to play with your increased awareness and see with clearer eyes what can be created in your self-discovery journey.