What Will I Find Down the Rabbit Hole?

Have you ever started reading something that led you down a rabbit hole of interesting information and wondered, “Wait, how did I get HERE?”

This recently happened to me. I was reading the local Macomb Chronicle newspaper while enjoying a cup of Kona coffee. There was an article entitled, “Connected Chiropractic and Wellness opens in Shelby Township”, in the Business Clips section. The words connected and wellness grabbed my interest so I read on.

This led me to the businesses website www.ConnectChiroCare.com. I learned the office was within a few miles of home. Their work included functional neurology, the connection of the brain and body. This aligns with the holistic view I hold when it comes to a person’s health.

I read on, learning the owners were educated at Life University. I never heard of Life University but it sparked my interest. Much of the coaching I provide to clients comes from the University of Life. By that I mean, my own life experiences and perspectives. How I’ve come to understand the interconnectedness of all things through the world of energy and consciousness.

Life University and Vitalism

The next thing I know I’m on the Life University website and learning about Vitalism. Again, something I had not heard of.

“Vitalism is the understanding and principle that all organic systems in the universe are conscious, self-developing self-maintaining, and self-healing.”

This really piqued my interest since its how I tend to describe Reiki. The Reiki recipient’s own natural healing system begins working more effectively and efficiently when given the opportunity to slowdown during a healing session.

I kept reading and found possibility in the schools mission.

Mission and Vision

“The mission of Life University is to empower each student with the education, skills and values to maximize the perfection within, based upon a vitalistic philosophy.

Life University is committed to a global vision and excellence in teaching, learning and research, providing an exceptional student experience leading to a life of Integrity and Lasting Purpose.”

A world centered on vitalistic thinking and action is their vision.

What I Found

While a mission and vision are just words and a website is to for that matter. That’s not where the rubber meets the road. But knowing people educated under this mission run a healthcare business in my area stirred a feeling in my gut – HOPE.

Since March of 2020 I’ve observed the unsustainability of so many systems and social structures – government, media, education, healthcare, finance, etc.

On a really low day I can find myself thinking, “What kind of world or future will my son experience when so many things seem broken?” Not liking how that thinking makes by body feel, I use the trigger question in Conscious Choices to shift my thinking to a higher perspective. Soon remembering we are all on an evolutionary journey, personally and collectively.

Our systems, like education and healthcare, will evolve as the individuals who participate in them personally evolve. Personal evolution is learning to connect with and live from your true essence.

If Life University lives up to its mission it provides a more evolved version of higher education that has the ability to produce the next more sustainable level of healthcare. And that gives me hope!